Due to current commitments, we are not currently accepting work with Food Manufacturers to avoid conflict of interest and competition.
Many companies find it useful to be able to focus on their core business. Caring for facilities can be viewed as a necessary cost of doing business. Together we can create a custom plan to support your facilities through a mix of outsourcing and work done by RFE associates. Various methods of reporting could be implemented to give visi
Many companies find it useful to be able to focus on their core business. Caring for facilities can be viewed as a necessary cost of doing business. Together we can create a custom plan to support your facilities through a mix of outsourcing and work done by RFE associates. Various methods of reporting could be implemented to give visibility of facility conditions and work completed. All this work can be managed by RFE to allow you to do what you are passionate about.
Many small to medium operate their maintenance organizations in a reactive nature. Breakdowns tend to be unpredictable and can create excessive amounts of downtime and lost production. RFE Specializes in implementing common-sense improvements based on world class maintenance strategies. Making these work in an effective way in smaller
Many small to medium operate their maintenance organizations in a reactive nature. Breakdowns tend to be unpredictable and can create excessive amounts of downtime and lost production. RFE Specializes in implementing common-sense improvements based on world class maintenance strategies. Making these work in an effective way in smaller organizations is an art. Budgets are a bit smaller, and resources tend to be stretched more than average. Partnering to choose the right strategies can help transform the organization to a proactive reliability-based maintenance strategy. All other examples on this page are tools that can be used to help make that transformation.
CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System) systems are a valuable tool in organizing maintenance work, planning and scheduling work, tracking costs, determine the total cost of ownership of your assets, as well as many other things. There are many different systems out there and they can be difficult to use in an effective manner,
CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System) systems are a valuable tool in organizing maintenance work, planning and scheduling work, tracking costs, determine the total cost of ownership of your assets, as well as many other things. There are many different systems out there and they can be difficult to use in an effective manner, especially if you have never used them before. RFE can help determine the right system to fit your business goals and help implement the systems to make sure they are used in an efficient and sustainable way. If you already have a CMMS and would like to take it to the next level, we can help with that as well.
Planning & Scheduling maintenance work is probably one of the most impactful improvements you can make to your maintenance organization. It works best partnered with a good CMMS. It is a very good way to start on the road to a more proactive maintenance approach. It provides the basis to identify, prioritize and plan work. The system
Planning & Scheduling maintenance work is probably one of the most impactful improvements you can make to your maintenance organization. It works best partnered with a good CMMS. It is a very good way to start on the road to a more proactive maintenance approach. It provides the basis to identify, prioritize and plan work. The system can be used to assign and track work through completion. It is a great way to create a great record of equipment history. It can helps establish baselines for your current operations to help quantify improvements. We can suggest ways to setup, train and implement these programs in any size organization. If you already have a system, we can help streamline its use through recommendations and assistance with further integration.
Preventative Maintenance is an important part of any maintenance strategy. Planned preventative Maintenance is essential to keep assets healthy and reliable. Care must be taken to not just rely solely on Manufacture Recommended PMs. These recommendations are often for normal conditions but don’t consider your operating and environment
Preventative Maintenance is an important part of any maintenance strategy. Planned preventative Maintenance is essential to keep assets healthy and reliable. Care must be taken to not just rely solely on Manufacture Recommended PMs. These recommendations are often for normal conditions but don’t consider your operating and environmental considerations. Many PMs are not well written to give operators and maintenance techs adequate understanding of what needs to be done, how and what the result should be. We can assist in writing PM programs as thoroughly as your organization requires. We can perform Optimizations to use data to help shape an effective program. These Optimizations can help make sure the right things are being done at the right times based on data and equipment history. Effective PM programs save time and add reliability to equipment.
Predictive Maintenance is useful to detect potential equipment failures while equipment is still running. It allows operators to identify signs of equipment in early failure as well as help shape a response to do planned interventions to stop the failure or replace failed components in a planned, cost effective manner. This saves time a
Predictive Maintenance is useful to detect potential equipment failures while equipment is still running. It allows operators to identify signs of equipment in early failure as well as help shape a response to do planned interventions to stop the failure or replace failed components in a planned, cost effective manner. This saves time and money. RFE Consulting does not perform Predictive Monitoring Routes, but we can advise on effective technologies for your specific process. We can help you find a cost effective approach to this technology and recommend companies that can perform these services.
There are two approaches to condition based monitoring. One is the people approach. Monitoring ”Routes” can be setup to be able to inspect equipment while it is running. Technicians can be trained to “look, listen and feel” for abnormal conditions that can be acted on prior to an unplanned failure. A variety of simple tools can be use
There are two approaches to condition based monitoring. One is the people approach. Monitoring ”Routes” can be setup to be able to inspect equipment while it is running. Technicians can be trained to “look, listen and feel” for abnormal conditions that can be acted on prior to an unplanned failure. A variety of simple tools can be used to make these routes even more effective.
A second approach to this is installing sensors that can continuously monitor the points on the equipment and raise alerts that can be addressed before unplanned failures happen. We have helped implement these systems on a number of locations. We can help you select which system is best for your application and needs. We can also help care for alerts generated from these systems as well as help with finding root causes to issues and determine long term solutions.
Autonomous Maintenance (a fundamental part of Total Productive Maintenance) is an approach to operator based maintenance that can greatly improve the health of equipment. Operators know their equipment the best. They tend know when something is wrong well before equipment fails. If they can be developed and trained in some basic skills
Autonomous Maintenance (a fundamental part of Total Productive Maintenance) is an approach to operator based maintenance that can greatly improve the health of equipment. Operators know their equipment the best. They tend know when something is wrong well before equipment fails. If they can be developed and trained in some basic skills and given the proper support and tools, they can work to greatly reduce downtime. To effectively implement this, a culture shift in how work is done needs to happen. We can assist in developing these programs, designing support systems and training the entire organization on the requirements fro this type of program to be most effective.
Equipment lubrication is an often overlooked component of maintenance organizations. Lubrication can be very expensive and if not done correctly, it is a leading cause of premature equipment breakdown. Lubrication management will help even untrained people to properly lubricate equipment and protect the lubrication for contamination. T
Equipment lubrication is an often overlooked component of maintenance organizations. Lubrication can be very expensive and if not done correctly, it is a leading cause of premature equipment breakdown. Lubrication management will help even untrained people to properly lubricate equipment and protect the lubrication for contamination. There are many techniques, technologies and types of equipment that simplify lubrication and make it easy for even entry level operators to properly inspect and perform. We can help you determine the right strategies for your team and implement the right technologies and support depending on your circumstances.
Have a lot of data? Want to do something with it? We can help. We are experienced in:
- Bad Actor
- Gap analysis
- Department assessments
- Custom Reports and analysis
Whether a project is a physical installation or improvement, or a process change; it requires a specific focus to help ensure its success. We can offer project management services that allow your teams to focus on their day to day work and we can carry the load of delivering your vision. We can help with everything from ideation and wri
Whether a project is a physical installation or improvement, or a process change; it requires a specific focus to help ensure its success. We can offer project management services that allow your teams to focus on their day to day work and we can carry the load of delivering your vision. We can help with everything from ideation and writing Scopes of Work to project execution and handover training.
Do you have a problem you don’t know how to solve or have the resources to attack as fast as you would like, we can help. We can help source physical work like construction, maintenance, cleaning, painting, etc.
We can also help with solving problems with processes or programs. We can evaluate current state of troubled processes, deter
Do you have a problem you don’t know how to solve or have the resources to attack as fast as you would like, we can help. We can help source physical work like construction, maintenance, cleaning, painting, etc.
We can also help with solving problems with processes or programs. We can evaluate current state of troubled processes, determine where you want to go and help develop an implementation plan to get there.
Use us as an additional resource to solve problems quickly, thoroughly and sustainably.